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You can travel by bus, ferry or car

Birkenhead Village is conveniently located 4 km across the water, or first exit off the Harbour Bridge to visit.

Discover The Shore with a AT Hop Day Pass

Pick up a $16 daily AT Hop Day Pass( $5 for the hop card) (which offers you an easy one-purchase ticket for your entire day's travel - includes bus, ferry or train). Purchase from Queens Wharf, Fullers Ferries, Britomart or bus drivers. Catch the cream and black Birkenhead Bus 973 or 974 opposite Sky Tower or in Albert St. For more detail www.AT.govt.nz/athopdaypass

Birkenhead Transport

Serving the Birkenhead and North Shore community for over 75 years. This family run business is a key part of the Birkenhead village infrastructure.
Verrans Corner
Ph. 09 483 9119

Inner Harbour Ferry

Catch the 15 minute ferry to and from Auckland city Monday to Friday, 6:30am to 11pm (every half hour approx). Weekends refer to: www.fullers.co.nz for sailing times. Ph 09 367 9111.
Feeder buses operate to and from Birkenhead ferry terminal. See a copy of the Beach Haven and Birkenhead Maxx bus timetable. For bus info phone 09 366 6400 or visit www.maxx.co.nz.

Birkenhead Bus

From Auckland city catch the cream and black Birkenhead Bus 973 or 974 from lower Albert Street, opposite Customhouse on the Wharf.
Buses depart every 10 mins Monday to Friday 9am - 6pm and Saturday and Sunday every 40 mins.
See Maxx for information on North Shore and city timetables phone 09 366 6400 or visit www.maxx.co.nz.
ftr bg

Free parking village wide. Click the map for more info.


Birkenhead Town Centre Association Inc. is a not-for-profit Incorporated Society with the objective of growing businesses in the area. We are funded by commercial ratepayers in the area.
We welcome new members who are inside the targeted rate footprint and encourage them to contact us about joining.

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